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  1. Peterson, LW-St. Pierre. "Mental Health Approaches to Collaborative Divorce." August 2012. Click here to read this article.

  2. Peterson, LW-St. Pierre. "Opening Pandora's Box: Learning about Multiple Personality Disorder." In Set Free by Sharon Waldren, publication date Dec. 2012.

  3. Peterson, LW-St. Pierre. Wrote the Forward to A Life Interrupted: The Experience of Traumatic Brain Injury, Louise Mathewson, August, 2012.

  4. Peterson, LW-St. Pierre. Clear Vision: The Power of Story to Heal Therapist and Client. Self published, available through Also online course for 12 CEU's at the Therapeutic Writing Institute (Spring 2012) and the Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children (2011-2012-ongoing).

  5. Peterson, LW-St.Pierre, Write Out Loud! Reconnecting Military Families. Self published, available through Createspace and This content is also available as a six CEU online course with the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children, July, 2012.

  6. Peterson, LW. and S. Kerr, G. Johnson, "Children of a Bipolar Parent: Importance of Early Identification," published: Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, TLC, Spring 2004.

  7. Peterson, L.W. book review: "Secret of the Peaceful Warrior: A Story about Courage and Love," Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, TLC Spring, 2002, (2), 44.

  8. Peterson, L.W. and Scott, B., Holt, M., Artman, H., Avensino, M. "The Use of Kinetic Family Drawings to Identify Diabetic Children with Previously Unidentified Family Distress." Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, TLC Spring 2002, (2) 21-32.

  9. Peterson, L.W. and Prupas, B., "Screening Children's Art: A Helpful Tool for Counselors". Association for Play Therapy Journal, August, 2001.

  10. Peterson, L.W., "The Therapist Guide to Working with Parents of Traumatized Children, Using the Horse Whisperer Movie", published by the National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI, May, 2000, 2002. (28-page booklet used for Parent Training)

  11. Peterson, L.W., "Review of Prison Theatre", Journal of Forensic Medicine, August, 1998

  12. Peterson, L.W., "Drawing Out the Evidence: Cases of Multiple Child Abuse in the Context of Custody Evaluation", Forensic Medicine Conference Abstracts, London, England, May, 1998

  13. Peterson, L.W., and Zamboni, S., "Quantitative Art Techniques to Evaluate Child Trauma: A Case Review", Clinical Pediatrics, January, 1998.

  14. Peterson, L.W., and Hardin, M.A., "Children in Distress: A Guide for Screening Children's Art", Evanston, IL. Norton Professional Press, May, 1997. Reprinted in Japanese, Chinese, Czechoslovakian.

  15. Peterson, L.W., Hardin, M.A., Nitsch, M.J., "The Use of Children's Drawings in the Evaluation and Treatment of Child Sexual, Emotional and Physical Abuse", Archives of Family Medicine, May, 1995.

  16. Peterson, L.W., "Telling without Telling: A Clinician's Guide to Screening Children's Art Productions", Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, CD-ROM and Abstract, Paris, France, March, 1995.

  17. Peterson, L.W., "Telling without Telling: Child Trauma in Art", Journal of Forensic Medicine, book review, 1994.

  18. Saint Just, D.D., Peterson, L.W., "Failure to Thrive: A Case Obvious to Physicians is Perplexing to the Court", Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, May, 1994, (1), 31-33.

  19. Peterson, L.W., Meservy, Z., Furth, S., Morris, X., Peele, K., Cortese, A., "The Stress of Child Sexual Abuse Examinations", Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, May, 1994, (1), 13-19

  20. Peterson, L.W., Nitsch, M.J., Higgins, P., "A Therapeutic Intervention Program for Bereaved Children Using Family Drawings", Archives of Family Medicine, January 1994, (3), 76-83.

  21. Elliott, A.J., and Peterson, L.W., "Maternal-Child Sexual Abuse: What the Primary Care Physician Needs to Know", Postgraduate Medicine, July, 1993; Reprinted in Medycyna Po Dyplomie, Richard Mills and Co. Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce Ul. Falata 4/2 02-534, Warszawa, Polska, 1994.

  22. Jones, R.W. and Peterson, L.W., "Post traumatic Stress Disorder in a Child Following an Automobile Accident", Journal of Family Practice, February, 1993,223-225.

  23. Rahe, R.H., Veach, T.L., Peterson, L.W., and Tolles, R.L., "The Stress and Coping Workbook for Preventing Heart Disease", June, 1992

  24. Steiner, G.W., and Peterson, L.W., "Severe Emotional Response to Eye Trauma in a Child: Awareness and Intervention", Archives of Ophthalmology, 1992 (110) 753-54

  25. Peterson, L.W., and Rahe, R., "Using Family Life Drawings in Medical Student Education", Family Medicine, 1991 (23) 603-8

  26. Holmes, K., and Peterson, L.W., "Children as Witnesses: A Review", Department of Psychiatry Award Paper, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO, June, 1991

  27. Peterson, L.W., Kuo, G., Rahe, R.H., "Life Threatening Behavioral Problem in a Child with Ondine's Curse", Hospital Practice, 1990 (25), 143-44

  28. Peterson, L.W., "Use of Art in the Assessment and Treatment of Children in Wartime", Forsvardia, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1990

  29. Peterson, L.W., "Survival Skills for Healthy Families, Choice and Challenges - The Next Decade", Nevada Public Affairs Review, 1990, 52-55

  30. Peterson, L.W., and Hudspeth, W.A., "Sugar, A Fad Disease: A Case of Mistaken Identity", Psychology Today, October, 1980, 120

  31. Peterson, L.W., "Brain Neurophysiology in Persons with Hypoglycemia", published with proceedings, WICHE Research Conference, Portland, OR, 1979

  32. Peterson, L.W., "Brain Neurophysiology in Persons with Reactive Hypoglycemia", Doctoral Thesis, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, 1978

  33. Peterson, L.W. and Knapp, T., "Biochemical and Health Factors in Psychotherapy", Cognitive and Clinical Behavior Modification, Mike Mahoney, Ed., Plenum Press, 1978

  34. Peterson, L.W. and Knapp, T., "Behavior Therapy for Nursing of Somatic Disorders", Nursing Research, Summer, 1977

  35. Peterson, L.W., and Knapp, T., "Health Care Intervention in Behavior Analysis", Behavior Modification: Issues, Principles and Applications, Craighead, W.E., Mahoney, M.T., and Kazdin, A.E., Houghton-Mifflin, 1976

  36. Peterson, R. and Peterson, L.W., "Hydropsychotherapy - Water as Punishing Stimulus in the Treatment of a Problem Parent/Child Relationship", Contributions to Behavior Research, Etzl, B., LeBlanc, J., and Baer (Eds), Festchrift in Honor of Sidney Bijou, 1975

  37. Peterson, R., Lavinger, H., Shees, J., and Peterson, L.W., "Behavior Treatment in the Home - Effects on an Untreated Sibling and Long Term Followup", Behavior Therapy, Fall, 1972

  38. Peterson, L.W., Henderson, S. and McDonald, M., "Step by Step Dressing", Suburban Publications, Box 3444, Champaign, IL, 1970

  39. Peterson, L.W. and Fritchl, C., "Early Infant Stimulation and Motor Development", published by ERIC, 805 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana, IL, 1970

  40. Peterson, L.W., Peterson, R. and Coyne, P., "The Development of Spoon Feeding Behaviors in a Blind Child", International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1968, XVIII (4), 108-112

  41. Peterson, L.W. and Peterson, R., "The Use of Positive Reinforcement in the Control of Self-Destructive Behavior in a Retarded Boy", Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1968 (6) 351-60

  42. Reprinted in Beaucham, Bruce and D.W. Mathewson, Current Topics in Experimental Psychology, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970

  43. Reprinted in Brown, AMR, Modifying Children's Behavior, Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas

  44. Reprinted in Lovaas, I., and Bucher, B., Reading in the Modification of the Behavior of Disturbed Children, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall

  45. Reprinted in Poser, E.G., and Asher, B., Behavior Modification with Normal and Emotionally Disturbed Children, New York, Pergamon Press

  46. Peterson, L.W., "Observation and Recording - An Operant Approach", Nursing Outlook, March, 1967

  47. Peterson, L.W. and Lange, S., "A Faculty Experience with Mentally Retarded Children", Children Limited, April 1966

  48. Peterson, L.W., "Operant Learning Theory - A Framework Deserving Nursing Investigation", Nursing Research, Summer, 1966

  49. Peterson, L.W., "Behavioristic Nursing", Nursing Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders Company, December 1966

  50. Peterson, L.W. and Bernard, K., "Implications of Operant Learning Theory for Nursing Care of the Retarded Child", Mental Retardation, June, 1966 (3) 26-29

  51. Peterson, L.W., "Effects of Operant Conditioning on the Self destructive Behavior of Mentally Retarded Children", published with the papers of the ANA Convention, November, 1965

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