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  • "Resiliency: What causes some adolescents to grow from a trauma experience and others to dissociate? Take a look at the factors in White Oleander, Sybil, and Good Will Hunting" in process for National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI. 2012.

  • "The Horse Whisperer" Movie as Parent/Teacher Tool for Children of Trauma for National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI, 2003-2010.

  • Issues in Chronic Care of a Child with "Life Threatening Disease" (Invited by Camile LeGay, Children's Bureau Washington D.C. Produced with DESC and Washoe Medical Center, (2-year-old child with Ondine's Curse) 1985-88

  • "Intuitive Reframing: A Psychotherapy Technique for Adults and Children Resolving Grief and Loss". Produced and Broadcast in Vancouver, Canada, December, 1985 with Paulet Thomlinson, R.N., M.S.

  • "Method to Develop Spoon Feeding in a Blind Child". Produced by University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 16mm.

  • "Research Design and Implementation for Behavior Modification of Self destructive Behavior in a Retarded Boy". Produced at Fircrest School for Retarded Children, Seattle, WA, 8mm.Slide-Sound



  • "The Drawings of Children Sustaining Violence and Sexual Abuse", Judicial College, UNR Campus, Reno, 1988

  • "The Nurse in Behavior Analysis in the 70's", Atlanta, GA, American Association of Behavior Therapy, October 30, 1973 (Southern Regional Conference for Nurses and Psychologists).



  • "Excerpts from The Horse Whisperer to Teach the principles of PTSD to Parents of Traumatized Children," 2002.

  • "Assessing the Divorced Child through Art and Interview", 1996.



  • T.V. Presentation: "Interviewing an Abducted Child," Channel 2, February, 2003.

  • T.V. Presentation, "Enhancing Divorce Adjustment of Children during the Holidays", December 17, 1996, Channel 4, Lise Mousel.

  • KOLO/KTVN-TV, February 1991, "Kid Power - Self Defense, a Program to Prevent Assault and Kidnapping of Children".

  • KTVN-TV, May, 1990, "Determining Custody for Children - Child's Perception of Parents and Parental Fitness".

  • KTVN-TV, February, 1990, "Chia Kidnapping".

  • KTVN-TV, September, 1990, "DeSilva Kidnapping".

  • KTVN-TV, November, 1988, "Children of Courage: Children and Their Families Cope with Cancer".

  • KTVN-TV, December, 1988, "Holiday Depression".

  • KTVN-TV, December, 1988, "Telling without Telling - The Art of Children from Violent and Abusive Homes".

  • TMCC-TV Presentation, January 30, 1987, "Enough is Enough: Prioritizing Professional Activity".

  • KTVN-TV, May, 1986, "Treatment of Handicapped Children at Home and School" with Thomas Scully, M.D. and Jack Sutton, M.D.

  • KOLO-TV, November, 1980, "Medical and Behavioral Intervention for Hyperactivity" with Allen Walker, M.D.

  • Nevada Weekly, April, 1979, "Treating the Child with Blindness and Developmental Delay"

  • KOLO-TV, October, 1976, "Discipline for Pre-School Children".


Radio Broadcasts

  • FOX, 2012, "Working with Families of Deployed Military during Reintegration"

  • KUNR, 1990, "Abused Children and Child's Ability as Witness" (2 hour show)

  • KUNR, 1988, "Parenting the Strong-Willed Child"

  • KUNR, 1988, "Identifying and Modifying Emotional Child Abuse"


Presentations: Selected Topics

Interpretation of Children's Art: International

  • "Children in Distress", Seventh Cross Channel Conference in Forensic Medicine, South Hampton, England, May, 1998

  • "Telling without Telling: A Clinician's Guide to Screening Children's Art Productions, Fifth Cross Channel Conference, Forensic Medicine, Paris, France, March, 1995

  • "The Art of Children in War and Warlike Environments", Stockholm, Sweden, 1992


Interpretation of Children's Art: National

  • "PTSD: Analyzing the Factors in the Art of Traumatized Children" Weber Human Resources, Ogden, Utah for National Trauma and Loss Center, April 20, 2006

  • "The Use of Art and Cinema Education to Identify Children with Severe Stress and Treat their Parents", SCAR/Jasper Mountain, Eugene, Oregon, August 2003.

  • "The Identification and Treatment of Severe Post Traumatic Stress," National Trauma and Loss Center, San Diego, March, 2003 and Washington DC, May 2003.

  • "The Use of Art and Video to Elucidate PTSD: Diagnosis and Intervention," National Trauma and Loss Center, Chicago and Cincinnati (Summer, 2002)

  • "Using the Creative Process in the Healing Arts", National Play Therapy Association, September, 1999, Des Moines, IA

  • "Recent Advanced Art Interpretation", National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI., two to four times per year, 1997-2000. On Faculty and Board of Directors.

  • "The Use of Child Art in Detection and Intervention for Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse", Nevada Association of Marriage and Family Therapist, Las Vegas, NV, 1994, 1998 and 2000

  • "Screening Children's Art Productions for Evidence of Trauma", Nevada Head Start Teachers, August, 1993

  • "Child and Adult Drawings of the Post Traumatic Experience", Nevada Psychiatric Association, February, 1993

  • "The Analysis of Children's Art", Orvis School of Nursing, November 23, 1987


Behavior Analysis: International

  • "Behavior Analysis", workshop for (200) physicians, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, October, 1975


Behavior Analysis: National

  • "The Horse Whisperer as a tool to teach Behavior Analysis for Traumatized Children, National Trauma and Loss Center Workshops 2001-2006.

  • "Behavior Analysis for Children with Disability", Rehabilitation Hospital, Reno, NV, March, 1996

  • "Fibromyalgia and PTSD - Are We Treating the Right Disorder?", Bristol-Myers-Squibb, (Bryan Ricks) 2000

  • "Pharmacological and EEG Diagnosis and Intervention for Children with Attention Deficit and ADHD", AHEC, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Las Vegas, NV, 1994

  • "The Use of the Brazelton Infant Exam in Determining Infant Personality and Behavior as Preventative for High Risk Infants and Families", Washoe Medical Center Intensive Care Nurses, December, 1981

  • "Behavior Analysis", Rounds at Washoe Medical Center, September 11, 1986


Behavior Modification and Management

  • "Modifying PTSD in Children, A Family Approach", Nevada Marriage and Family Association, May, 2000

  • "Behavior Management of Hospitalized Children: The Use of Imagery and Hypnosis in Pain Control", residents and staff, Family Medicine, June 17, 1987

  • Participation in Special Olympics, Lake Tahoe, January 29, 1986

  • "Child Behavior Management", Montessori School Faculty, November, 1983


Nutrition and Feeding

  • "Issues in Nutrition and Psychology" Nevada Family Medicine Conference at Stateline, Lake Tahoe, February, 2003. (2 hr workshop for spouses)

  • "Family Issues in Anorexia and Bulimia", residency, Family Medicine Center, twice a year, 2000-2003.

  • "The Child Who Won't Eat", Nevada Dietetic Association, Reno, NV 1994

  • "Management of Feeding Problems in Young Children", (statewide WICHE program), Peppermill, Reno, NV, April 17, 1987

  • "Feeding Techniques for Children with Failure to Thrive", Truckee Meadows Community College, September 26, 1984

  • "Nutrition in Action" and "Imagery and Healing with Cancer Patients", Workshop for Physicians, March 15, 1986

  • "Weight Control through Behavior Management", Dietetic Association, February, 1983

  • "Effects of Diet on Learning and Memory", Nevada Reading Association, March 1982


Child Sexual Abuse

  • "Children in Distress: Advanced Art Screening", National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI, Texas, Florida, Chicago, Cincinnati. 1997-2006

  • "Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in Ski Resort Environments", Albany, NY, 1993

  • "Understanding Perpetrators in Order to Teach New Methods of Child Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse", Junior League of Reno, 1985

  • "The Aftermath of Child Abuse: Picking Up the Pieces", Montessori School, May 4, 1984


Child Custody and Divorce

  • "Assessing Child and Adult Factors", National Judicial College, two courses for judges yearly, 1984-2000

  • "Clinical Indices for the Determination and Resolution of Child Custody Disputes", Psychology Graduate Students, UNR, December 9, 1987

  • "The Effects of Divorce on Children", Reno Junior League, December 6, 1988


Death and Dying

  • "The Evidence for Life after Life". Invited Speaker, National Elder College, Reno, NV, March 24, 2000

  • "Dealing with the Pre and Post Bereavement of Child Death", The Good Death Conference, Nevada Ethics Committee, Reno, NV, October 30, 2000


Dealing with Stress and Burnout

  • "Life Stress Illness", St. Joseph's Parkside Hospital, Stockton, CA (with Richard H. Rahe, M.D.), June, 1990

  • Hospital Health Plan, HMO Workshop, Reno, NV (with Dr. Rahe), November, 1989

  • Consultant to Palo Alto V.A. Hospital Division on PTSD of Vietnam Veterans, December 11, 1987

  • "Burn Out", Western Community College, August 16, 1984

  • "Stress Management Workshop", Faculty, Sierra Nevada College, February, 1983

  • "Burn Out", "Assertiveness Training" and "Time Management", Western Community College Faculty, Lake Tahoe, January, 1982

  • Parenting

  • Four Presentations, St. Mary's Regional Medical Center Outreach Program to Parents including "Sibling Rivalry", "Behavior Modification", and "Infant Stimulation Procedures", 1999-2000

  • "Managing Chronic Bowel Disorders: A Family Dilemma" with Dr. Quan. Association for Chronic Bowel Disease, Reno, NV, 1996

  • "Child Management in the Absence of Father", Medical Student Spouses, June 1, 1987

  • "Avoiding Smothering Mothering", Nevada Lung Association, April 30, 1987

  • "Raising Responsible Children", Morning Radio Show, KUNR, April 21, 1987

  • YWCA Parent Training Seminar on Child Management, November 11, 1987

  • "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk", UNR Speakers Bureau, Truckee, CA, March 25, 1987

  • "Relinquishing Parental Control of Children with Chronic Illness", Washoe Medical Center, October 14, 1984

  • "Positive Parenting", Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children, March, 1983


Mental Retardation / Disability

  • "Managing Behavior Disorders in Children in Rehabilitation", Reno Rehabilitation Center, 1998-1999

  • "Managing the Mentally Retarded in a Camp Setting", Episcopal Church Camp, Lake Tahoe, July 25, 1987

Plastic Surgery

  • Keynote Speaker, Nevada Medical Association: "The Psychological and Societal Factors that Promote the Utilization of non-Essential Surgeries: Face, Breast and Bariatric". May 2002, San Diego, California.


Professional Growth and Development

  • "What Matters Most - Setting Priorities", Franklin Covey Seminars, Reno, NV, 1999

  • "Stress Modification for School Teachers", Winnemucca, NV, August, 1996

  • "Enough is Enough. Prioritizing Professional Activity", Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, NV, February 16, 1987

  • "Workshop on Self-esteem for Women", Lake Tahoe, November 1, 1986

  • "On Camera Workshop", Co-lectured with Donna Hartley, Continuing Education, April 25, 1986

  • "Professional and Personal Growth through Journal Process", Truckee Meadows Community College, February 7-8, 1986

  • "How to Be Your Own Therapist Sometimes - The Use of Journal Writing to Clarify Life Goals and Patterns", Truckee Meadows Community College, February 13, 1985

  • "Methods of Coping with Career and Family Life for Professional Women", Women's Group, May 4 and June 29, 1985

  • "Women in Private Practice", Women's Psychology Group, February, 1983

  • "The Mysteries of Life and Personal Responsibility", University Women's Group, October, 1981

  • "Health and Operant Model", Midwestern Association of Behavior Therapy, Chicago, IL, May, 1977

  • "Utilization of the Nurse Practitioner", Rural Health Are Health Advisory Committee, Nevada City, CA, June, 1975


Reactive Hypoglycemia and Episodic Dyscontrol

  • "Multiple Factors in the Diagnosis and Management of Episodic Dyscontrol", Los Angeles County Commissioners, June 29, 1987

  • "Episodic Dyscontrol", Truckee Meadows Hospital, January 16, 1987

  • "Reactive Hypoglycemia", with William Hudspeth, Ph.D., Nevada League of Nurses, March, 1978

  • "Reactive Hypoglycemia", with William Hudspeth, Ph.D., Mental Health Grand Rounds, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, March, 1978

  • "Brain Neurophysiology in Persons with Reactive Hypoglycemia", WICHE Research, Portland, OR, 1978

  • "The Mimic - Hypoglycemic Episodes which Simulate Manic Depressive States", Truckee Meadows Hospital, December 1981


Regression Therapy

  • "Medical Applications of Regression Therapy," International Association for Regression Research and Therapy, April, 2002, Bastyr, University, Seattle, Washington.


Writing and Journaling

  • "Write Out Loud: A Guide for Families who Live and Work in War and War-like Situations" for the National Institute of Trauma and Loss in Children, Summer Assembly, 2010/2012.


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