Linda Whitney Peterson, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Emeritus Professor
University of Nevada School of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences UNSOM Brigham Building/MS 316
Reno, NV 89557‐0046
(775) 784‐6180
1979 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Department of Psychology, Post Doctoral Courses, Dr. Michael Mahoney
1977‐78 Union Graduate School, Cincinnati, OH. Ph.D.in Medical Psychology. Dissertation accredited by Northeastern Accrediting Body
1963‐64 University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Master of Nursing in Maternal and Child Health
1959‐62 University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Bachelor of Science in Nursing 1958‐59 Whitworth College, Spokane, WA
2006 Certified as a Mediator: 40 hours, Adryenn, Cantor, Reno, NV. February 22‐26.
2004 Certified as Collaborative Divorce Coach, Phoenix, Arizona, September 9‐11.
1973‐Present Nevada State Board of Marriage and Family Counseling. NV License #0025 1977‐Present Nevada State Board of Nursing. NV License #5493
1993‐Present Nevada Supreme Court, Non‐Attorney Court‐Appointed Arbitrator 1993‐Present Professional Association of Custody Evaluators, Certified Custody Evaluator 1994‐Present Association of Clinical Neurotherapists, Biofeedback/EEG Certification
2004‐2012 Emeritus Professor UNR Medical School, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 1978‐2004 Tenured Associate Professor, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV 1977‐78 Associate Professor, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV 1975‐76 Associate Professor, Orvis School of Nursing, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 1974‐75 Assistant Professor, Orvis School of Nursing, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 1965‐66 Instructor, School of Nursing, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1964‐65 Adjunct Clinical Faculty, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
2006‐present Mediator for Dispute Resolution 2004‐present Collaborative Law and Divorce Coach
1978‐Present Private Practice in Medical Psychology and Marriage and Family Counseling, Reno, NV
1966‐71 Nursing Administrator, Adler Zone Center, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 1964‐66 Nursing Education Director, Fircrest School for the Retarded, Seattle, WA 1962‐63 Staff Nurse, Orthopedics and Pediatrics, Harborview Hospital, Seattle, WA 1960‐61 Psychiatric Student Nurse, Northern Washington State Hospital, Seattle, WA;
Geriatric Student Nurse, Sharon Arms Hospital, Spokane, WA
2004‐2012 Teaching Behavioral Sciences, UNR Undergraduate and Family Medicine 1984‐Present Custody and Sexual Abuse Cases: Nevada Courts (Washoe, Douglas, Nye and Clark
1997‐Present Consultation, Teaching, Development of online Courses, National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI
1987‐Present Teaching National Judicial College/Children in Court and Family Law Seminars 1984‐Present Case Management Acute and Chronic Illness: Reno Rehabilitation, Washoe Medical
Center, Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center
1966‐1976 Issues related to Retarded and Autistic Children and Adults: United States Children's Bureau, Institutions, Clinics and Schools
1998‐2004 Director of Behavioral Sciences, Family Medicine Center, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV
1994‐95 Treasurer, University of Nevada Pediatric Professionals
1966‐71 Nursing Administrator, Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Programs for Retarded and Autistic Children, Adler Zone Center, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
1964‐66 Nursing Education Director, Fircrest School for the Retarded
2010 Trauma and Loss Consultant Supervisor of the Year, National Institute for Trauma and Loss, Starr Foundation Michigan.
2004 Children in Distress: A Guide to Screening Children’s Art: Recognized US. National Psychiatry Association
2003 Nominated for the EW Richards Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award UNR
2001/2002 Children in Distress: A Guide to Screening Children’s Art: Translated and published in Japanese and Czech.
1998 Children in Distress: A Guide to Screening Children's Art was chosen Book of the Month by Behavioral Book Society.
1983 Graduate study and thesis reviewed by North Central Accrediting Body for Union Graduate School and full accreditation accorded to Ph.D. study completed in 1978
1982 Invited to present to Los Angeles County Commissioners, a method of data retrieval to determine temporary insanity in criminals, consultant to establish a therapeutic jail, July, 1982
1981 Recognized by American Association for Anorexia Nervosa for clinical expertise with this syndrome
1975 Listed in Academic Therapy Publications Compendium: "Persons of Eminence in Exceptional Education".
1974 Selected as a leader in nursing by the WICHE Research Group on Parent‐Child Interactions
1970 Recognized by Indiana University and awarded Honorary Degree during 50th Anniversary Celebration
2011‐2012 Teaching Two Online Courses for the Therapeutic Writing Institute and The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.(Clear Vision and Write Out Loud: Reconnecting Families of Deployed Military).
2002‐Present Editorial Board: The Arts in Medicine, Mental Health and Rehabilitation, Taylor and Francis, publishers.
1997‐99 Nationally Certified in EEG/Biofeedback 1997‐2000 Nationally Certified as Custody Evaluator (PACE)
1995‐2004 Invited Editor, The International Journal of Forensic Medicine. Churchill Livingston, London, England
1993‐Present Appointed by the Supreme Court of Nevada as a Non‐Attorney Arbitrator in Development of Alternatives to Traditional Litigation for Resolving Legal Disputes
1984 Selected by Northwest Accrediting Body to be on Accrediting Team for Colleges and Universities, Seattle, WA
1978 Invited to Join Editorial Board for Western Journal of Nursing Research
1977 Invited to Join Editorial Board for Cognitive Research and Therapy Journal
1977 Edited Chapter in Abnormal Psychology by Michael Mahoney, Ph.D., L.P., Lippencott Company
1977 Edited Chapter entitled "Theory and Practices in Family Health" with Jean Miller, Ph.D., University of Rochester, McGraw Hill Company
2000 Project on Parent Training for Children of Trauma using the "Horse Whisperer" Film.
Grant for $2000 for completion of 28‐page Booklet of Instructional Material, National Trauma & Loss Center; reprinted 2002.
1999 Robert Wood Johnson funded $15,000 Grant to Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI for development of parent training materials. (Bill Steele, Director)
1999 Principal Investigator: The Role of the Health Guide in Integral Health and Longevity, $40,000 requested (Project defaulted by loss of Dr. Grant Simpson)
1996‐98 Principal Investigator: Use of Art, Medical and Forensic Screening Tools to Identify and Treat Traumatized Children. $240,000 from Investment Funding International, Inc. (Obtained, then denied, for lack of funds)
1993 Principal Investigator: Conflict Resolution and Self Defense in Medical Education.
$2000 from Office of Medical Education, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV
1990‐91 Principal Investigator: Child Witness Project. $15,000 from Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company, Reno and Las Vegas, NV
1987‐88 Co‐Investigator: The Impact of the Standard Glucose Tolerance Test upon Subjective Symptoms, Behavioral Performance, Computerized EEG and Blood Chemistry of Individuals with history of Episodic Dyscontrol. $12,000 from Los Angeles County Court
1974 Principal Investigator: Emergency Medical Systems Course. Approximately $20,000 to University of Nevada School of Medicine from the Nevada Public Health Service
1974 Co‐Investigator: Rural Nurse Practitioner Program. $45,000 to Orvis School of Nursing, University of Nevada from Nevada Public Health Service
2003 National Psychology Advisory Association 2002‐2010 Professional Association for Custody Evaluators
2002‐Present National Association for Regression Research and Therapy (Board 2005‐06) 1975‐Present American Association, Marriage and Family Therapists/Nevada MFT Association 1993‐Present Association of Neuro‐therapists
1990‐2010 American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 1977‐1987 California Nurses Association
1974‐1981 American Association of Orthopsychiatry 1965‐Present Nevada Nurses Association
1963‐1970 Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing Honorary)
1962‐Present American Nurses Association and Nevada Nursing Association
Peterson, LW‐St. Pierre. “Opening Pandora’s Box: Learning about Multiple Personality Disorder.”In Set Free by Sharon Waldren, publication date Dec. 2012.
Peterson, LW‐St. Pierre. Clear Vision: The Power of Story to Heal Therapist and Client. Self‐ published, available through Amazon.com. Also online course for 12 CEU’s Therapeutic Writing Institute and the Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children. 2012.
Peterson, LW‐St.Pierre, Write Out Loud! Reconnecting Military Families. Self‐published available from CreateSpace. Also a six CEU course with the National Institute for Trauma and
Loss in Children, June 2012.
Peterson, LW. and S. Kerr, G. Johnson, “Children of a Bipolar Parent: Importance of Early Identification,” published: Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, TLC, Spring 2004.
Peterson, L.W. book review: “Secret of the Peaceful Warrior: A Story about Courage and Love,” Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, TLC Spring, 2002, (2), 44.
Peterson, L.W. and Scott, B., Holt, M., Artman, H., Avensino, M. “The Use of Kinetic Family Drawings to Identify Diabetic Children with Previously Unidentified Family Distress.” Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, TLC Spring 2002, (2) 21‐32.
Peterson, L.W. and Prupas, B., "Screening Children's Art: A Helpful Tool for Counselors". International Journal of Play Therapy, August, 2001.
Peterson, L.W., "The Therapist’s Guide to Working with Parents of Traumatized Children, Using the Horse Whisperer Movie", published by the National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI, May, 2000, 2002. (28‐page booklet used for Parent Training)
Peterson, L.W., "Review of Prison Theatre", Journal of Forensic Medicine, August, 1998
Peterson, L.W., "Drawing Out the Evidence: Cases of Multiple Child Abuse in the Context of Custody Evaluation", Forensic Medicine Conference Abstracts, London, England, May, 1998
Peterson, L.W., and Zamboni, S., "Quantitative Art Techniques to Evaluate Child Trauma: A Case Review", Clinical Pediatrics, January, 1998.
Peterson, L.W., and Hardin, M.A., "Children in Distress: A Guide for Screening Children's Art", Evanston, IL. Norton Professional Press, May, 1997. Reprinted in Japanese, Chinese, Czech.
Peterson, L.W., Hardin, M.A., Nitsch, M.J., "The Use of Children’s Drawings in the Evaluation and Treatment of Child Sexual, Emotional and Physical Abuse", Archives of Family Medicine, May, 1995.
Peterson, L.W., "Telling without Telling: A Clinician's Guide to Screening Children's Art Productions", Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, CD‐ROM and Abstract, Paris, France, March, 1995.
Peterson, L.W., "Telling without Telling: Child Trauma in Art", Journal of Forensic Medicine, book review, 1994.
Saint Just, D.D., Peterson, L.W., "Failure to Thrive: A Case Obvious to Physicians Is Perplexing to the Court", Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, May, 1994, (1), 31‐33.
Peterson, L.W., Meservy, Z., Furth, S., Morris, X., Peele, K., Cortese, A., "The Stress of Child Sexual Abuse Examinations", Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, May, 1994, (1), 13‐19
Peterson, L.W., Nitsch, M.J., Higgins, P., "A Therapeutic Intervention Program for Bereaved Children Using Family Drawings", Archives of Family Medicine, January 1994, (3), 76‐ 83.
Elliott, A.J., and Peterson, L.W., "Maternal‐Child Sexual Abuse: What the Primary Care Physician Needs to Know", Postgraduate Medicine, July, 1993; Reprinted in Medycyna Po Dyplomie, Richard Mills and Co. Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce Ul. Falata 4/2 02‐534, Warszawa, Polska, 1994.
Jones, R.W. and Peterson, L.W., "Post‐traumatic Stress Disorder in a Child Following an Automobile Accident", Journal of Family Practice, February, 1993,223‐225.
Rahe, R.H., Veach, T.L., Peterson, L.W., and Tolles, R.L., "The Stress and Coping Workbook for Preventing Heart Disease", June, 1992
Steiner, G.W., and Peterson, L.W., "Severe Emotional Response to Eye Trauma in a Child: Awareness and Intervention", Archives of Ophthalmology, 1992 (110) 753‐54
Peterson, L.W., and Rahe, R., "Using Family Life Drawings in Medical Student Education", Family Medicine, 1991 (23) 603‐8
Holmes, K., and Peterson, L.W., "Children as Witnesses: A Review", Department of Psychiatry Award Paper, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO, June, 1991
Peterson, L.W., Kuo, G., Rahe, R.H., "Life Threatening Behavioral Problem in a Child with Ondine’s Curse", Hospital Practice, 1990 (25), 143‐44
Peterson, L.W., "Use of Art in the Assessment and Treatment of Children in Wartime", Forsvardia, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1990
Peterson, L.W., "Survival Skills for Healthy Families, Choice and Challenges ‐ The Next Decade", Nevada Public Affairs Review, 1990, 52‐55
Peterson, L.W., and Hudspeth, W.A., "Sugar, A Fad Disease: A Case of Mistaken Identity", Psychology Today, October, 1980, 120
Peterson, L.W., "Brain Neurophysiology in Persons with Hypoglycemia", published with proceedings, WICHE Research Conference, Portland, OR, 1979
Peterson, L.W., "Brain Neurophysiology in Persons with Reactive Hypoglycemia", Doctoral Thesis, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, 1978
Peterson, L.W. and Knapp, T., "Biochemical and Health Factors in Psychotherapy", Cognitive and Clinical Behavior Modification, Mike Mahoney, Ed., Plenum Press, 1978
Peterson, L.W. and Knapp, T., "Behavior Therapy for Nursing of Somatic Disorders", Nursing Research, Summer, 1977
Peterson, L.W., and Knapp, T., "Health Care Intervention in Behavior Analysis",
Behavior Modification: Issues, Principles and Applications, Craighead, W.E., Mahoney, M.T., and Kazdin, A.E., Houghton‐Mifflin, 1976
Peterson, R. and Peterson, L.W., "Hydropsychotherapy ‐ Water as Punishing Stimulus in the Treatment of a Problem Parent/Child Relationship", Contributions to Behavior Research, Etzl, B., LeBlanc, J., and Baer (Eds), Festchrift in Honor of Sidney Bijou, 1975
Peterson, R., Lavinger, H., Shees, J., and Peterson, L.W., "Behavior Treatment in the
Home ‐ Effects on an Untreated Sibling and Long Term Followup", Behavior Therapy, Fall, 1972
Peterson, L.W., Henderson, S. and McDonald, M., "Step by Step Dressing", Suburban Publications, Box 3444, Champaign, IL, 1970
Peterson, L.W. and Fritchl, C., "Early Infant Stimulation and Motor Development", published by ERIC, 805 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana, IL, 1970
Peterson, L.W., Peterson, R. and Coyne, P., "The Development of Spoon Feeding Behaviors in a Blind Child", International Journal for the Education of the Blind, 1968, XVIII (4), 108‐112
Peterson, L.W. and Peterson, R., "The Use of Positive Reinforcement in the Control of Self‐ Destructive Behavior in a Retarded Boy", Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1968 (6) 351‐60
a) Reprinted in Beaucham, Bruce and D.W. Mathewson, Current Topics in Experimental Psychology, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970
b) Reprinted in Brown, AMR, Modifying Children's Behavior, Springfield, IL, Charles C.
c) Reprinted in Lovaas, I., and Bucher, B., Readings in the Modification of the Behavior of Disturbed Children, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
d) Reprinted in Poser, E.G., and Asher, B., Behavior Modification with Normal and Emotionally Disturbed Children, New York, Pergamon Press
Peterson, L.W., "Observation and Recording ‐ An Operant Approach", Nursing Outlook, March, 1967
Peterson, L.W. and Lange, S., "A Faculty Experience with Mentally Retarded Children", Children Limited, April 1966
Peterson, L.W., "Operant Learning Theory ‐ A Framework Deserving Nursing Investigation", Nursing Research, Summer, 1966
Peterson, L.W., "Behavioristic Nursing", Nursing Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders Company, December 1966
Peterson, L.W. and Bernard, K., "Implications of Operant Learning Theory for Nursing Care of the Retarded Child", Mental Retardation, June, 1966 (3) 26‐29
Peterson, L.W., "Effects of Operant Conditioning on the Self‐destructive Behavior of Mentally Retarded Children", published with the papers of the ANA Convention, November, 1965
“Resiliency: Looking at White Oleander and Sybil to Identify DID,” in process. 2012
"The Horse Whisperer" Movie as Parent/Teacher Tool for Children of Trauma for National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI, 1998‐2003.
Issues in Chronic Care of a Child with "Life Threatening Disease" (Invited by Camile LeGay, Children's Bureau Washington D.C. Produced with DESC and Washoe Medical Center, (2‐year‐old child with Ondine’s Curse), 1985‐88
"Intuitive Reframing: A Psychotherapy Technique for Adults and Children Resolving Grief and Loss". Produced and Broadcast in Vancouver, Canada, December, 1985 with Paulet Thomlinson, R.N., M.S.
"Method to Develop Spoon Feeding in a Blind Child". Produced by University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 16mm.
"Research Design and Implementation for Behavior Modification of Self‐destructive Behavior in a Retarded Boy". Produced at Fircrest School for Retarded Children, Seattle, WA, 8mm.
"The Drawings of Children Sustaining Violence and Sexual Abuse", Judicial College, UNR Campus,
Reno, 1988
"The Nurse in Behavior Analysis in the 70's", Atlanta, GA, American Association of Behavior Therapy, October 30, 1973 (Southern Regional Conference for Nurses and Psychologists)
“Excerpts from The Horse Whisperer to Teach the Principles of PTSD to Parents of Traumatized Children,” 2002.
"Assessing the Divorced Child through Art and Interview", 1996.
T.V. Presentation: “Interviewing an Abducted Child,” Channel 2, February, 2003.
T.V. Presentation, "Enhancing Divorce Adjustment of Children during the Holidays", December 17, 1996, Channel 4, Lise Mousel.
KOLO/KTVN‐TV, February 1991, "Kid Power ‐ Self Defense, a Program to Prevent Assault and Kidnapping of Children".
KTVN‐TV, May, 1990, "Determining Custody for Children ‐ Child's Perception of Parents and Parental Fitness".
KTVN‐TV, February, 1990, "Chia Kidnapping".
KTVN‐TV, September, 1990, "DeSilva Kidnapping".
KTVN‐TV, November, 1988, "Children of Courage: Children and Their Families Cope with Cancer". KTVN‐TV, December, 1988, "Holiday Depression".
KTVN‐TV, December, 1988, "Telling without Telling ‐ The Art of Children from Violent and Abusive Homes".
TMCC‐TV Presentation, January 30, 1987, "Enough is Enough: Prioritizing Professional Activity".
KTVN‐TV, May, 1986, "Treatment of Handicapped Children at Home and School" with Thomas Scully, M.D. and Jack Sutton, M.D.
KOLO‐TV, November, 1980, "Medical and Behavioral Intervention for Hyperactivity" with Allen Walker, M.D.
Nevada Weekly, April, 1979, "Treating the Child with Blindness and Developmental Delay". KOLO‐TV, October, 1976, "Discipline for Pre‐School Children".
FOX, 2012, Working with Families of Deployed Military during Reintegration KUNR, 1990, "Abused Children and Child's Ability as Witness" (2 hour show) KUNR, 1988, "Parenting the Strong‐Willed Child"
KUNR, 1988, "Identifying and Modifying Emotional Child Abuse"
"Children in Distress", Seventh Cross Channel Conference in Forensic Medicine,
South Hampton, England, May, 1998
"Telling without Telling: A Clinician's Guide to Screening Children's Art Productions, Fifth Cross Channel Conference, Forensic Medicine, Paris, France, March, 1995
"The Art of Children in War and Warlike Environments", Stockholm, Sweden, 1992
“PTSD: Analyzing the Factors in the Art of Traumatized Children” Weber Human Resources, Ogden,
Utah for National Trauma and Loss Center, April 20, 2006
“The Use of Art and Cinema Education to Identify Children with Severe Stress and Treat their Parents, SCAR/Jasper Mountain, Eugene, Oregon, August 2003.
“The Identification and Treatment of Severe Post Traumatic Stress,” National Trauma and Loss Center, San Diego, March, 2003 and Washington DC, May 2003.
"The Use of Art and Video to Elucidate PTSD: Diagnosis and Intervention," National Trauma and Loss Center, Chicago and Cincinnati (Summer, 2002)
"Using the Creative Process in the Healing Arts", National Play Therapy Association, September, 1999, Des Moines, IA
"Recent Advanced Art Interpretation", National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI., two to four times per year, 1997‐2000. On Faculty and Board of Directors.
"The Use of Child Art in Detection and Intervention for Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse", Nevada Association of Marriage and Family Therapist, Las Vegas, NV, 1994, 1998 and 2000
"Screening Children's Art Productions for Evidence of Trauma", Nevada Head Start Teachers,
August, 1993
"Child and Adult Drawings of the Post Traumatic Experience", Nevada Psychiatric Association,
February, 1993
"The Analysis of Children's Art", Orvis School of Nursing, November 23, 1987
"Behavior Analysis", workshop for (200) physicians, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, October, 1975
“The Horse Whisperer as a tool to teach Behavior Analysis for Traumatized Children, National Trauma and Loss Center Workshops 2001‐2006.
"Behavior Analysis for Children with Disability", Rehabilitation Hospital, Reno, NV, March, 1996
"Fibromyalgia and PTSD ‐ Are We Treating the Right Disorder?", Bristol‐Myers‐Squibb, (Bryan Ricks) 2000
"Pharmacological and EEG Diagnosis and Intervention for Children with Attention Deficit and ADHD", AHEC, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Las Vegas, NV, 1994
"The Use of the Brazelton Infant Exam in Determining Infant Personality and Behavior as Preventative for High Risk Infants and Families", Washoe Medical Center Intensive Care Nurses,
December, 1981
"Behavior Analysis", Rounds at Washoe Medical Center, September 11, 1986
"Modifying PTSD in Children, A Family Approach", Nevada Marriage and Family Association,
May, 2000
"Behavior Management of Hospitalized Children: The Use of Imagery and Hypnosis in Pain Control", residents and staff, Family Medicine, June 17, 1987
Participation in Special Olympics, Lake Tahoe, January 29, 1986
"Child Behavior Management", Montessori School Faculty, November, 1983
“Issues in Nutrition and Psychology” Nevada Family Medicine Conference at Stateline, Lake Tahoe, February, 2003. (2 hr workshop for spouses)
"Family Issues in Anorexia and Bulimia", residency, Family Medicine Center, twice a year, 2000‐2003.
"The Child Who Won't Eat", Nevada Dietetic Association, Reno, NV 1994
"Management of Feeding Problems in Young Children", (statewide WICHE program), Peppermill,
Reno, NV, April 17, 1987
"Feeding Techniques for Children with Failure to Thrive", Truckee Meadows Community College,
September 26, 1984
"Nutrition in Action” and "Imagery and Healing with Cancer Patients", Workshop for Physicians, March 15, 1986
"Weight Control through Behavior Management", Dietetic Association, February, 1983
"Effects of Diet on Learning and Memory", Nevada Reading Association, March 1982
"Children in Distress: Advanced Art Screening", National Trauma and Loss Center, Detroit, MI,
Texas, Florida, Chicago, Cincinnati. 1997‐2006
"Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in Ski Resort Environments", Albany, NY, 1993
"Understanding Perpetrators in Order to Teach New Methods of Child Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse", Junior League of Reno, 1985
"The Aftermath of Child Abuse: Picking Up the Pieces", Montessori School, May 4, 1984
"Assessing Child and Adult Factors", National Judicial College, two courses for judges yearly, 1984‐2000
"Clinical Indices for the Determination and Resolution of Child Custody Disputes", Psychology Graduate Students, UNR, December 9, 1987
"The Effects of Divorce on Children", Reno Junior League, December 6, 1988
"The Evidence for Life after Life". Invited Speaker, National Elder College, Reno, NV,
March 24, 2000
"Dealing with the Pre‐ and Post‐Bereavement of Child Death", The Good Death Conference, Nevada Ethics Committee, Reno, NV, October 30, 2000
"Life Stress Illness", St. Joseph's Parkside Hospital, Stockton, CA (with Richard H. Rahe, M.D.), June, 1990
Hospital Health Plan, HMO Workshop, Reno, NV (with Dr. Rahe), November, 1989
Consultant to Palo Alto V.A. Hospital Division on PTSD of Vietnam Veterans, December 11, 1987 "Burn Out", Western Community College, August 16, 1984
"Stress Management Workshop", Faculty, Sierra Nevada College, February, 1983
"Burn Out”, "Assertiveness Training" and "Time Management", Western Community College Faculty, Lake Tahoe, January, 1982
Four Presentations, St. Mary's Regional Medical Center Outreach Program to Parents including "Sibling Rivalry", "Behavior Modification", and "Infant Stimulation Procedures", 1999‐2000
"Managing Chronic Bowel Disorders: A Family Dilemma" with Dr. Quan. Association for Chronic Bowel Disease, Reno, NV, 1996
"Child Management in the Absence of Father", Medical Student Spouses, June 1, 1987 "Avoiding Smothering Mothering", Nevada Lung Association, April 30, 1987
"Raising Responsible Children", Morning Radio Show, KUNR, April 21, 1987 YWCA Parent Training Seminar on Child Management, November 11, 1987
"How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk", UNR Speakers Bureau, Truckee, CA,
March 25, 1987
"Relinquishing Parental Control of Children with Chronic Illness", Washoe Medical Center,
October 14, 1984
"Positive Parenting", Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children, March, 1983
"Managing Behavior Disorders in Children in Rehabilitation", Reno Rehabilitation Center, 1998‐1999
"Managing the Mentally Retarded in a Camp Setting", Episcopal Church Camp, Lake Tahoe, July 25, 1987
Keynote Speaker, Nevada Medical Association: “The Psychological and Societal Factors that promote the Utilization of non‐Essential Surgeries: Face, Breast and Bariatric”. May 2002, San Diego, California.
"What Matters Most ‐ Setting Priorities", Franklin Covey Seminars, Reno, NV, 1999 "Stress Modification for School Teachers", Winnemucca, NV, August, 1996
"Enough is Enough. Prioritizing Professional Activity", Truckee Meadows Community College,
Reno, NV, February 16, 1987
"Workshop on Self‐esteem for Women", Lake Tahoe, November 1, 1986
"On Camera Workshop", Co‐lectured with Donna Hartley, Continuing Education,
April 25, 1986
"Professional and Personal Growth through Journal Process", Truckee Meadows Community College, February 7‐8, 1986
"How to Be Your Own Therapist Sometimes ‐ The Use of Journal Writing to Clarify Life Goals and Patterns", Truckee Meadows Community College, February 13, 1985
"Methods of Coping with Career and Family Life for Professional Women", Women's Group,
May 4 and June 29, 1985
"Women in Private Practice", Women's Psychology Group, February, 1983
"The Mysteries of Life and Personal Responsibility", University Women's Group, October, 1981 "Health and Operant Model", Midwestern Association of Behavior Therapy, Chicago, IL, May, 1977
"Utilization of the Nurse Practitioner", Rural Health Are Health Advisory Committee, Nevada City, CA, June, 1975
"Multiple Factors in the Diagnosis and Management of Episodic Dyscontrol", Los Angeles County Commissioners, June 29, 1987
"Episodic Dyscontrol", Truckee Meadows Hospital, January 16, 1987
"Reactive Hypoglycemia", with William Hudspeth, Ph.D., Nevada League of Nurses, March, 1978
"Reactive Hypoglycemia", with William Hudspeth, Ph.D., Mental Health Grand Rounds, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, March, 1978
"Brain Neurophysiology in Persons with Reactive Hypoglycemia", WICHE Research,
Portland, OR, 1978
"The Mimic ‐ Hypoglycemic Episodes which Simulate Manic Depressive States", Truckee Meadows Hospital, December 1981
“Medical Applications of Regression Therapy,” International Association for Regression Research and Therapy, April, 2002, Bastyr, University, Seattle, Washington.
“Write Out Loud: A Guide for Families who Live and Work in War and War‐like Situations” for the National Institute of Trauma and Loss in Children, Summer Assembly, 2010.
"Strategies to Reverse Secondary Encopresis and Enuresis", Washoe Medical Center, 1996, 1998, 2000
"Treatment Intervention for a Child with Ondine’s Curse", Washoe Medical Center, 1990, 1995, 1997 and 2000
"Strategies to Reverse the Failure to Thrive Syndrome in Children", St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, September, 1981
"Managing the Behavioral Aspects of Chronic Asthma in Children", Nevada Lung Association,
August 1981 and April 2, 1984
"When to Refer for Psychological Intervention in the Case of Sudden Infant Death", Public Health Nursing Department, April, 1982
"Care, Cut, or Cure ‐ A Case of Intractable Ulcerative Colitis in a 10‐year‐old Boy", Washoe Medical Center Grand Rounds, with Fred Fricke, M.D. and Warrent McLelland, M.D. 1984
"Cystic Fibrosis", St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, February, 1983 "Encopresis", Pediatric Rounds, Washoe Medical Center, August, 1983 "Handicapped Children", Channel 2, KTVN‐TV, Dr. Thomas Scully, April 18, 1986
Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Department of Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook Iowa Annie Wittenmeyer Home, Davenport, IA
Portland Center for Continuing Education, University of Portland, OR Hamburg State Hospital, Hamburg, PA
Embreeville State Hospital, Coastesville, PA Pennhurst State Hospital, Spring City, PA Cambridge State Hospital, Cambridge, MN
University of California School of Nursing, Sonoma State Hospital, Sonoma, CA Brainerd State Hospital, Brainerd, MN
Fairbault State Hospital, Fairbault, MN Central State Hospital, Louisville, KY Western State School, Washington, PA Belchertown State School, Belchertown, MA Woodbridge State School, Woodbridge, NJ Agnews State Hospital, San Jose, CA
Polk State School and Hospital, Polk, PA UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute University of California, San Francisco
Niles Townships, Department of Special Education, Skokie, IL University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Keystone Training Rehabilitation Center, Scranton, PA The Woods Schools, Langhome, PA
Muscatatuck State Hospital, Butlerville, IN Lincolnwood School District #74, Lincolnwood, IL Indiana State Teachers Association, Evansville, IN Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL
Roger Williams College, Bristol, RI
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Hospital for the Mentally Retarded, Georgetown, DC Eastern State Hospital, Lexington, KY
Illinois Pediatric Institute, Chicago, IL White Haven State School, White Haven, PA Kentucky State Hospital, Danville, KY
Fund for the Perceptually Handicapped, Chicago, IL Adler Zone Center, Champaign, IL
Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN School District 88, Bellwood, IL
New York State Education Department, Syracuse, NY
Summer Institutes in Mental Retardation (continued):
Higginsville State Hospital, Higginsville, MO Department of Institutions, Billings, MT
Department of Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation, Las Vegas, NV Paul A. Dever School, Taunton, MA
Northern Indiana Children's Hospital, South Bend, IN Boulder State School and Hospital, Boulder, MT
Chester County Child Development Center, Coatesville, PA
Royal Jubilee Hospital, Eric Martin Institute of Psychiatry, Victoria, BC
IV. POST‐DOCTORAL EDUCATION Child Physical, Neurological and Psychosocial Assessment:
1980 University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1977 WICHE, Portland, OR
1974 University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV
1973 University of California, Chico, CA
1972 WICHE, Denver, CO
1972‐74 University of Nevada, School of Nursing, Reno, NV
1995‐present Jerry Howe, M.D., preceptor at St. Mary's and Washoe Medical Center 1990‐95 University of Nevada School of Medicine Reno Stress Center: Richard Rahe, MD 1983‐85 University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno Preceptor: Robert Bonar, MD 1973‐77 University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno Preceptor: Thomas Scully, MD
Child Abuse: Physical, Sexual and Emotional
2003 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, Online 4 week course, UNR.
2001 Pathological Interpretations of Routine Child Behavior Problems: The Potential Role of Berkson's Textbook Case Biases, Pat Friedman, Ph.d. October 17, 2001, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, UNR Department of Psychiatry.
2000 "PTSD Intervention with Children: Special Issues." Leonore Terr, MD, St. Clair Shores, MI.
2000 "Play Therapy with Abused Children,"
Deanne Gins‐Gruenberg, MA, St. Clair Shores, MI.
1998 Governor's Conference on Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. Las Vegas, NV.
1998 PTSD Diagnosis Interviews, Institute for Trauma and Loss, Detroit, MI
1993 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, West Hills Hospital, Reno, NV Preceptor: Susan Doctor
1993 Nevada Psychological Association: Sexual Abuse Conference, Squaw Valley, CA Instructor: W. Fredrick and DC Raskin
1992 The Deadly Dilemma, Las Vegas, NV Instructor: Jan Hindeman, Alexandria Associates
1991 The Tie that Binds: Coordinating Therapy with Sexual Offenders and Their Victims, Reno, NV Instructors: Jan Hindeman MA and Kevin McGovern PHD
1992 Treating the Effects of Sexual Abuse of Children, Reno, NV Instructor: Liz Berliner, PHD
1986 Alternatives to Sexual Abuse, Reno, NV Instructor: Jan Hindeman, MA
1984 Art Therapy as a Diagnostic Tool, Reno, NV Instructor: Susan Orr
1993 Jungian Approaches to Art Interpretation, Instructor: Gregg Furth
1977 Identifying and Treating Physically Abused Children, Kempe Center University of Colorado, Denver, CO Instructor: Dr. Kempe and Child Abuse Team
CPR Heart Savior Courses:
1999 Recertification CPR: 2/7/05.
1984‐85 Thomas Scully, MD, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV
Child Learning Disabilities:
2002 Comorbidity in ADHD: Impact on Treatments and Outcomes, Peter Jensen, M.D.March 20,2002, Department of Psychiatry, University of Nevada School of Medicine.
2000 Daniel Amen, "How to recognize and Treat Six distinct types of Attention Deficit Disorder" Las Vegas, NV
1993 Joel Lubar, PHD, EEG Assisted Psychotherapy for ADHD and ADD, Phoenix, AZ
1984 Marv Meeker, PHD, Structure of Intellect Institute, El Segundo, CA
1983 William Terry, PHD, Child Play Therapy Specialist, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Child Custody:
2005 Working with Children in Divorce, Joan Kelly PhD, July, 16, Greenbrae, California
2005 Family Law 16th Annual Conference, Ely, Nevada March 17‐March 19
2004 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, Teens and These Same Children as Adults, Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, December 8‐January 2.
2002 Children as Adults in Court, Richard B. Weiher, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of Nevada School of Medicine, January 16, 2002.
2001 Principles of Play Therapy, Barbara Prupas, MA. MFT. February 8, 2001, WMC, Nevada Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
1994 Excellence in Child Law, San Francisco, CA
1993 Credentialed by Nevada Supreme Court as Court Appointed Arbitrator
1993 Credentialed by PACE: Professional Association of Custody Evaluators: APA Standards
1992 Mediation and Arbitration, Judicial College, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1992 Medical/Legal Issues in the Juvenile and Family Courts, National College of Juvenile and Family Law, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1992 Custody consultation with Barry Bricklin, Ph.D, Philadelphia, PA
1987 Presentation entitled "Putting the Pieces Together in Child Custody Cases", National Judge Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Adult/Adolescent Physical and Psychosocial Assessment and Intervention:
2005 Hypnosis, Voice Dialogue, Regression, Colorado Springs, Aug 18‐20
2004 Las Vegas Conference on Adolescents and Family, Las Vegas, NV
2004 The SASSI Administration and Scoring, February, 20. UNR
2004 The Fun Factor: The hidden key to success, UNR Psychiatry, December 1
2004 Methamphetamine Addiction, UNR Psychiatry, February, 18, 2004
2003 Cyberspace Exposed: Nevada Association for MFT, September, 2003
2003 Current Concepts in Bipolar Disorder, Washoe Medical Center, March 8, Reno NV.
2002 Medical Family Therapy: Chronic Illness‐A Collaborative Approach, David Seaburn, Ph.D. Washoe Medical Center, February 15, 2002.
2002 Psychotropic Medication, Jerri Steinagel, M.D. Nevada Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, March 12, 2002.
2002 The Therapist Bag of Tricks: Over 100 Techniques to Use with Hands on Therapy, Nancy Lee, Ph.D, Nevada Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, January, 15, 2002, Washoe Medical Center, Reno, Nevada
2001 The Brain and Innate Giftedness, Arlene Taylor, Ph.D, February 9, 10, (12hrs) St. Helena Hospital, St. Helena, California.
2001 Counseling Gay and Lesbian Clients and Families, Washoe Medical Center, Reno, Nevada, October 12, 2001.
2001 Innovations in Couple's Therapy, Dan Wile, Ph.D. John F. Kennedy University, December 2001.
2001 Experiential Avoidance: The Cost of Language from Substance Abuse to Psychosis, Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry, University of Nevada School of Medicine, March 21, 2001.
2000 "Pain Management: Educating for a Healthy Future", Conference of the American Academy of Pain Management sponsored by University of Pacific, School of Pharmacy, Las Vegas, NV
2000 "Progressive and Practical Skills for the Modern Therapist" NAMFT Conference Las Vegas, NV
2000 "What Matters Most‐The Time Management workshop for the Entire Business of Living", Gary Richins, Franklin Covey, Reno, NV
2000 "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Level 1" Andrew Leeds, PHD Spokane, WN
1999 Remuda Ranch Professional Orientation 2 days‐anorexia/bulimia
1998 False Memory Dilemma, R. Montoque, Reno, NV
1997 Women's Health Conference on anorexia/bulimia, Reno, NV
1994 Enneagram Personality System International Conference, Stanford Medical School, Palo Alto, CA
1994 EEG‐Assisted Psychotherapy for Adult ADHE and ADD (computer practicum) Instructor: Steven Stockdale, PHD, Colorado Springs, CO and Reno, NV
1993 Men in Therapy: The Challenge of Change, Nevada Association Marriage and Family Therapy, Reno, NV
1992 The Enneagram Personality System, Washoe Medical Center, Kathy Schoender, MA, Nevada Psychological Association, Reno, NV
1994 The Enneagram Personality, Stanford Business School and Dept. of Psychiatry Conference, Stanford, CA
2003 HIPAA Privacy Standards Compliance, Washoe Medical/UNR, March 26, 31
2001 Healing by Killing, Washoe Medical Center, Nevada Surgical Association, Feb,2001
Family Therapy Training:
2005 Understanding and Using Emotional Intelligence, Janaki Severy M.ED Jan 24
2003 Cognitive Therapy with Challenging Patients, Judith Beck, PhD Lake Tahoe, NV
2003 Smart Marriages, 7th Annual Conference, Sparks, Nevada
2001 Family Preservation: Jane Peterson, Ph.D. Portland, Oregon
2000 Family Reconstruction: Jane Peterson, Ph.D, Portland, Oregon
2000 "Beyond the Individual: Family Factors in "Individual" Psychopathology and Treatment", Alan Fruzetti, PHD, Reno, NV
1988 Marriage and Family Therapy Supervision, Jo Mazolli, PHD, Division of Continuing Education, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1988 Domestic Violence, University of Nevada Judicial College, Reno, NV
1985 Supervision and Consultation, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Michele Baldwin, PHD, Reno, NV
1978 Supervision/Consultation, University of Nevada School of Medicine, DeWitt Baldwin, MD, Reno, NV
1977 Virginia Satir, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Forensic Medicine:
1995/1998 Cross Channel Conference in Clinical Forensic Medicine, Paris, France and South Hampton England
Dream Analysis:
1985 John Sanford, PHD, San Francisco, CA
1997‐85 Carolyn Conger, PHD, Lucerne Valley, CA (4 one week workshops)
Death and Transition Therapy:
2001 The Art of Exploring the Afterlife to Reduce Fear of Death. Bruce Moen, Ph.D. June 24, 25, 2001. 12 hrs.
2001 Communicating the Depth of Pain and Loss, Washoe Medical Center, Nevada Association of Marriage and Family Counseling.
2000 "Sacred Art of Dying", Deb Girard, RN Administrator, Circle of Life Hospice
2000 "Good Death Conference" sponsored by Nevada Center for Ethics and Health 1981‐88 Elizabeth Kubler‐Ross, MD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
2004 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, Teens and These Same Children as Adults, Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, December 8‐January 2.
2000 "The Addicted Brain‐The New Brain Science of Addition", Catherine Christie, Ph.D.
1997 5 day course on alcohol and drug abuse, State of Nevada Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
1990 Inner Child Work (Intensive), Carol Allen, MA Reno, NV 1987‐88 Adult Children of Alcoholics Conference, San Francisco, CA 1987 Treatment of Adult Children, Claudia Black, Reno, NV
1987 Alcoholic Training Seminar, Reno, NV 1986‐88 Codependency Conference, Reno, NV
Criminal Behavior:
1987 Managing Criminal and Antisocial Behavior, Stanton Samenow, Seattle, WA
1987 Biological Antecedents for Antisocial Behavior, Los Angeles, CA
Hypnosis Training and Certification:
1987 The San Francisco Academy of Hypnosis Training for Medical and Psychology Practitioners, San Francisco, CA (16)
1983 Micheal LeBow, PHD, NLP, Center of Advanced Study, San Francisco, CA
1979 Betty Ross, MSW, Nevada Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Reno, NV
Imagery in Therapy:
2000 Imagery in Pain Management, Pain Conference, Las Vegas, NV
1987 National Imagery Conference, San Francisco, CA
1987 Guided Imagery, Marty Rossman, MD, Naomi Remen, MD, San Francisco, CA
1987 Eidetic Imagery, Akhter Ahsen, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Intellectual Testing:
1981‐83 Mary Meeker, PHD, Structure of Intellect Institute, El Segundo, CA
Ethical/Legal Issues:
2001 Healing by Killing, Reno Surgical Association, Washoe Medical Center, Reno, NV
1998 Ethical Moral and Legal Dilemmas for MH Professionals and Attorneys, NMFT Association., Reno, NV
Intensive Journal Writing as a Therapy:
2006 Marcella Hardt, Progoff Wellness Seminar, Grass Valley, January 27, 28, 29 1983‐85 Ira Progoff, PHD, San Francisco, CA and University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Neurolinguistic Programming:
1979/82/84 Leslie Bandler, PHD, Michael LeBow, PHD, San Francisco, CA
Music Therapy for Physicians and Psychologists:
1984‐87 The Biology of Music Making for Physicians and Psychologists, Denver, CO 1984‐85 Louise Ristad, University of Colorado, Boulder and Denver, CO
Adult Sexual Assessment and Intervention:
1988 Joseph Lo Picolla, PHD, Reno, NV
1983 Lana Clark, PHD, San Francisco, CA
Transformational Psychology and Intuitive Reframing:
1996/2000 Carolyn Myss, PHD, Boulder, CO/Oakland, CA
1982/83/84 Chuck Spezzano, PHD, Honolulu, ITA/Vancouver, BC, Canada
Therapy for Step‐Parenting:
1984 Emily Viseher, PHD, John Viseher, MD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Voice Dialogue Training:
1983 Hal Stone, PHD, Los Angeles, CA
Body Therapy:
1990 Reike Training, Dr. Richard Rahe
1986 Joy Berta Dance, Joy Berta, Corte Madera, CA
1983 Feldenkrais, Michael Joyce, Reno, NV (17)
1982 Swedish Therapeutic Massage, Lorna Benedict, Reno, NV
1981 Hellerwork, Dr. Joseph Heller, Heller Institute, San Francisco, CA
1981 Touch for Health Seminar, Marjorie Tsuda, Reno, NV
Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders
2004 Bi‐Polar Disorder, Washoe Medical Center, Reno, Nv
2001 Borderline Personality, Allan Fruzzetti, Reno, NV
1996 Multiple Personality/Dissociative Disorders, Sedona, AZ
1988 The Masterson Approach to Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders, San Francisco, CA
Adult Mental Health/Mental Illness:
1979‐2000 Internship and Supervision: Jerry Howle, MD, Reno, NV staff privileges at both St. Mary's and Washoe Medical Center hospitals
Sleep Disorders, Anorexia, Depression, Adult Ego States:
2000 Anorexia/Bulimia, Remuda Ranch, Wichenburg, AZ, 3 day Training for Professionals
1996‐2000 Sleep Disorder Clinic, Dr. William Torch, Reno, NV
1978‐79 Post Doctoral Training, University of Pennsylvania, State College, PA Supervision: Michael Mahoney, PHD, Kathryn Mahoney, PHD, Michael Borkevec, PHD, Edward Craighead, PHD, Richard Rivissa, PHD
Behavior Analysis (Research and Training):
1999‐2000 Dr. Sidney Bijou, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1978‐80 Michael Mahoney, PHD, University of Pennsylvania, State College, PA 1978‐80 Terry Knapp, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1970‐77 Robert Peterson, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 1964‐70 Sidney Bijou, PHD, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Neurophysiology (Research and Training):
1998 Certification in EEG/Biofeedback
1990 Joel Lubar, PHD, ADHD EEG Biofeedback
1977‐80 William Hudspeth, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1998‐2000 Kay Oring, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 1983‐85 Sachiko St. Jeor, PHD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Adult and Child Stress Intervention:
1990‐92 Richard Rahe, MD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Post‐traumatic Stress Disorder:
2000 Lenore Terr, MD, Trauma & Loss Center, Detroit, MI 1990‐91 Lenore Terr, MD, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
University Instruction:
Assessment of PTSD and ADHD/adults and children; intervention and treatment of strategy, residents FMC, pediatrics, and nurse practitioners
Physical and Psychosocial Assessment of the Child; for medical students and nurse practitioners Assessment of Child Growth and Development; for nursing and medical students, residents Applied Behavior Analysis; for medical, nursing, psychology and education students, residents Child and Family Interview and Family Dynamics; for medical students and pediatric, FMC
Assessment of Child Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Abuse; for medical students and pediatric residents
Stages of Death and Dying and Supportive Therapy for Patients and Their Families; for medical students, residents and research associates of Women's Health Initiative; UNR conference, The Good Death
Nutritional Analysis and Intervention for Conditions of Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Anorexia and Bulimia; for pediatric and family practice residents
Imagery, Pain Management, and Hypnosis for Acute and Chronic Medical Problems; for third year medical students and residents in pediatrics and family practice (hospital and clinic)
Mental Retardation: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention; for medical, psychology, and nursing students
Emergency Medicine; for medical, psychology, and nursing students
Health Assessment and Intervention; for premedical, nursing, and psychology students Pediatric and Psychiatric Nursing; for graduate nursing students.
Clinical Supervision:
Individual patient and thesis supervision for pediatric, family medicine residents, third and fourth year medical students, masters and baccalaureate nurses, undergraduate and graduate psychology students. Group supervision within the hospital setting related to complex patient management problems involving a team approach ‐‐ i.e., physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing, medicine, nutritional and family counseling.
Marriage and Family Counseling:
Twenty‐five years of experience with specialization in problems of women, children and couples. Areas of expertise include child and adult physical, sexual, emotional abuse, developmental delay, divorce and custody, child behavior analysis and management, diet, anorexia, bulimia, child abuse, communication, assertive training, hypnosis, and psychosomatic disorders, codependency, stress management, chronic disease adjustment/resolution/ADHD, PTSD.
Research (Interests and Pursuits):
Numerous studies in the area of applied behavior analysis, single subject design Neurophysiology of hypoglycemia, using EEG/biofeedback
Hypnosis and imagery in self‐healing for children with acute and chronic illness
Child stress while testifying in the investigation of sexual physical exam and court room situation, in coordination with the Nevada Stress Center, Las Vegas and Reno
Diagnostic value of drawings by abused children; sexual, emotional and physical EEG assisted psychotherapy with children who have ADD or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Biofeedback with children suffering bowel laxity and Hirschsprung's disease
Quantitative art indicators for physical, sexual, emotional trauma in children and development of a medical and forensic screening tool
Treatment strategies for fibromyalgia.
Consultant to the Court:
Frequently requested as an expert witness to evaluate custody issues (over 500 cases) or to provide mediation. Experience in jury selection and criminal cases. Experience in preparing both child and adult witnesses for testimony using video tape feedback, voice inflection, presentation, imaging, and relaxation. Arbitrator status granted by the Nevada Supreme Court, 1993.
Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution and Divorce Solutions
Certified in Collaborative Divorce Work with Attorney‐Mental Health teams, 2004 Certified as Mediator for Dispute Resolution, 2006